Discover How I Turned A TINY £4 Stake Into £15,836 PROFIT In A Single Day!


Read EVERY Word Below...

Dear Friend,

Let me ask you a VERY SERIOUS question...

Have you tried to make money from betting before and failed?

We've all been there... myself included.

It seems like every day there's the latest and greatest betting method been launched.

If you've failed I just want you to know...

It's Not Your Fault!

I want to let you in a little secret...

Most of them are complete BS!

You know the ones...

The ones with the crazy stories and ex-mathmatics processors, NASA style data analysts, rouge bookie insiders and then there's the latest A.I. software that you never see in action or NEVER get access to (because it doesn't really exist).

All claiming that they can turn a tiny starting bank in to hundreds of thousands of profit in the blink of an eye!

They all have the same old fake screenshot with the magnified eye watering account balance at the top of the page. Often a William Hill or Ladbrokes one!

All you need to do is pay the low onetime lifetime payment and then sit back which you magically become a millionaire!

Do you think ANY bookie will let you take £200k-£500k off them betting singles?

If any bookie saw a winning pattern betting high value singles and winning on a regular basis...

Let's face it...

You'd be shut down faster than a Ferrari SF90 Stradale Assetto Fiorano goes 0-60mph!

Oh and don't forget all those extra "upsells" that you need to buy to increase your profits as well!

Those scammy offers LOVE the upsells!

They're all hype and in my option utter crap!!

In my opinion if someone is letting you use a service EVERYTHING should be included for the price stated!

No sneaky marketing to try and milk more money from you.

If what they're selling you is that good, then they should get access to the service for the price stated!

When it comes to "those" kind of betting services (if you can call them that)...

I've tried them all in the past and learned pretty quick that they all have the same outcome...

All that happens is you end up in a big hole from SHOCKINGLY POOR TIPS and then the "tipsters" vanish without a trace... all while keeping your money while they're laughing all the way to the bank!

The ONLY person that WINS from those offers are the low dirty scammers!

Now I want to make something crystal clear...

This is NOT one of "those" betting services.

What you get is the exact tips that I select and use myself with great success!

Tips picked from years of trial and error, using criteria that produces a highly successful outcome.

I've Been In This Game
For The Last 15 Year!

How would you like to use my years of experience to your advantage?

I analyse everything from current form, ground conditions, distance, which jockey is riding a particular horse, etc

There are many more factors that come into play as well which I keep close to my chest and will not disclose!

I'm not hear to waste your time and in return I don't expect you to waste mine!

OK now that we've got rid of a few time wasters here's the deal...

What I have for a select few of you today is the chance to use the same selections I use to make some BIG paydays betting on the horses.

This is my most profitable horse racing strategy I've developed in the last 15 years!

So I'm sure you're wandering...

What Is 4 The Win?

4 The Win is my tried and tested strategy to generate BIG returns with LOW RISK daily investments.

All bets are placed in a way so we can maximise our single £4 stake each day.

The key points to this strategy are...

[-] Risk only £4 per day.
[-] Limit the selections to only horses with a "high probablity" of WINNING regardless of the odds.
[-] Only bet on 4 selections in a way that will produce a BIG return from our single daily stake.

Now I know a lot of punters that have a tipster they follow, who they like to follow and will always follow.

I respect that!

If you are one of these people consider yourself very lucky, a lot of punters will never find a tipster that they are that comfortable with!

I want to let you use a strategy that appeals to everyone, even the punters who already have enough tips per day from their reliable sources.

To enable this to appeal to everyone the bank required to start needs to be low and the risk low...

PLUS... when we win the PROFITS will make you glad you found my website.

That's why I went with the £4 bets and the strategy works so that you cannot lose more than £4 per day.

The next step was to not make it long winded and complicated.

No backing over 10 bets a day.

No spending a fortune backing high odds "outsiders" that don't stand a chance of winning or even placing for that matter!

Instead, we back our 4 daily selections into just 1 single bet per day (a fourfold ACCA).

So that's what I did... JUST 1 x single low risk bet per day.

The final step was to make sure that when our 4 selections all won we got paid BIG PROFITS!

How Does It Work?

We start each day with a £4 stake.

From all the races that day I select 4 horses that I think have the best chance of winning.

We then place all of the 4 selections as a fourfold bet (if you cannot place a fourfold bet on UK horse racing then this is NOT for you). .. please check before you join!

We then either have a day where we lost a maximum of £4 for the day... or we make a BIG profit!

It's as simple as that!

The Story So Far...

Over the years I followed alot of tipsters. Some good... some completely crap!

I'm sure you've been there yourself.

I've learned quite alot from a few quality tipsters over the years.

At the back end of last year (2022), I decided to give a new method a go and put into practise a very selective betting criteria that I'd been analysing for the 2 years prior.

I paper traded my tips for a couple of months to start (just to double check and tweak my selection criteria).

On 1st November I decided to give it a proper go...

Only this time I was going to put my hard earned cash down on my selections!

My Results

I had 2 winners in November which was what I was getting on average from my testing.

I only bet Monday to Friday with my selections (selections on a weekend a poor to say the least, so it's wasted money in my opinion)

Straight away on the first day of betting I had a winner...

BOOM... We had a £891 winner!

That means we'd made £887 profit.

Even if I lost every single bet for the rest of the month (22 more betting days) I'd still have made over £799 profit for the month!

The rest of month was pretty slow with a few near misses.

But then on the 25th November this happened...

BOOM... Another Winner!

We had 17 days without a single winner...

Then we got a HUGE £5,040 return from our £4 stake!

That means for the month we'd had 22 betting days staking a total of £88.

Our total return for the month was £5,931 giving us a profit of £5,843!

I couldn't believe it! I've never made this amount of money in a month in my entire life!

Surely this was a fluke!

Then came a mind boggling December!

BOOM... Another Winner!

BOOM... Another... WTF!


In December there were 21 betting days (no bets on the 23rd due to the Christmas break for British Racing), so that's a total of £84 for the month from our £4 daily stake!

We had 2 winning days which returned us a CRAZY £18,765

That's monthly PROFIT of £18,681!

Add that to the profit in November and I made a life changing £24,524!

Needless to say I was over the moon!

Christmas was going to be a good one!

We didn't have any more winners in December, but I wasn't complaining!

Who can moan with WINNERS like this really?!

Truth me told the big winner was down to quality picking as all the horses looked great but you still need a bit of luck in this game.

The odds had changed dramatically from the evening before and I put the bet on in the morning as I forgot to place it the evening before.

It's nice when things work out isn't it!

January was a dry month without a single winner.

It happens every now and again. The best results I got was 2nd & 3rd places on a few of the bets.

In January we had 22 betting days but due to ONLY betting a £4 daily stake our total loss was only £88!

I thought my luck was up... BUT...

Then February came and we were back on track...

BOOM... Another... Winner!

BOOM... Another... Winner!

In February there were 20 betting days, so from our £4 daily stake that's a total of £80 for the month!

We had 2 winning days which returned us a NICE £3,483.50

That's a monthly PROFIT of £3,403.50!

Add that my the profits since November and we're now on a MASSIVE £27,927.50!

You've got to LOVE Accumulators!

In March we've already had another winner...

BOOM... Another... Winner!

In March there are 23 betting days (we've had 1 no bets day), so from our £4 daily stake that's a total of £88 for the month!

We alredy won one of our bets which returned us a NICE £2,400!

Even if we don't have another winner for the rest of the month... that's a monthly PROFIT of £2,312!

Add that my the profits since November and we're now on a MASSIVE £30,239.50 PROFIT in JUST 5 months!

Betting Doesn't Get Better Than This!

The other day I drove straight into the local Porsche dealer at the weekend and put a HUGE deposit down on my dream car...

A Porsche 911 GTS like the one below.

I've always wanted one but never had the spare cash to afford the payments.

When these big winners come in you're laughing all the way to the bank or the car garage in my case!

Hopefully we can add to this over the next few months to add to my yearly profit.

It only takes 1 BIG win to put you in SERIOUS PROFIT for the month!

HELL... JUST 1 BIG WIN can sort you out for the entire year!

Now I'm sure you'll have a few questions, so I hope the main ones below answer them.

If not you can click the link at the bottom of the page to contact me directly.

If you're going to ask for a "Free Trial" please don't bother you won't get a reply!

Been there, done that before. I've made punters over £2K from a single bet and all you get back is "Sorry, I don't pay for bets" or "I only wanted to see if it worked but I'll never spend money on tips".

It's put a bad taste in my mouth and quite frankly with the kind of PROFITS my bets produce they're worth every penny minimal price I'm charging!

This is a premium betting service people already pay for. You get a 30 day "No Questions Asked" money back guarantee which is more than ample for you to try this RISK FREE!

Frequenty Asked Questions

How will I get the information?

After joining you will be asked to supply an email address, this is where the daily selection emails will be sent.

Do I have to use Betfair?

No, you can place your bets with any bookmaker online or on the high street (when they're open). Shop around to get the best odds if you don't mind using multiple bookies to place your bets. I use betfair to track my process, who you use is up to you.

When will I get my selections?

Each evening the email will be with you before 10pm. If there are no selections that day, I will email you to state this as early as I can.

Do all your selections win?

No, of course not. I bet on 4 horses and in order to make BIG profit for the day all 4 horses MUST win! The odds of that happening are very low. Over 5 months we've only had 5 winners. This is a high profit system with a very low strike rate.

You only need ONE BIG WIN a month to make HUGE profit!

If you are betting day by day without a dedicated betting bank this is not for you, as you will need enough to fund any losing runs.

Feel free to bet at lower stakes if you wish if you don't mind making less profit (even £1 a day will make you a VERY GOOD RETURN)!

You can always increase your stakes at a later date.

Are there any upsells to buy?

No... none what so ever! Like I said earlier...

I believe if someone is letting you use a service EVERYTHING should be included for the price stated!

No sneaky marketing to try and milk more money from you like some of those "Get Rich Quick" scammers try to do all the time!

If what they're selling you is that good, then they should get access to the service for the price stated!

That is my thinking and that is exactly what you get... full transparency

Do you have a money back guarantee?

I have a full 30 day NO QUESTIONS ASKED money back guarantee. This way you get to try it out to see for yourself how good the service is. I do ask that you give this a proper go so you can see what it can make you.

Some months we might not get a winner... that's just the nature of betting on a 4 Fold Accumulator.

This is why I only offer a minimum of 2 months access so thay you have the best chance of us getting a winner.

Once we have a BIG WIN you'll be happy you gave it a proper go!

If you want to make some REAL profit from betting, then you really don't want to put this off any longer.











I look forward to helping you make some BIG money on the horses.

Anthony "Tony" Taylor
4 The Win





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